Hey Emily, I just wanted to send a message to thank you and tell you about how amazing my experience has been with you so far in the gym. You have already helped me build my abilities so much and helped me with my self-confidence. I can’t express to you how thankful I...


BIG NEWS! My trainer Emily Condon is a finalist for the Ch7 Small Business Young Achiever Award! Emily is honestly the most deserving person for this award and goes above and beyond to support me on and off the pitch and in the gym. She comes to watch my games, and is...


Great game Emily! We bloody loved cheering you on from Adelaide tonight!! What a brilliant game you had as a Mum, I kept thinking how proud your family must be!! I can’t even begin to explain what you’ve done mentally and physically for Zoe in the last 2 weeks. She’s...


Hey Em, Thanks for today’s session and the good laugh, muscles are feeling good afterwards! I’ve found so far that after all of my sessions I feel I have such a greater range of movement with all my muscles and limbs -this might make you laugh but when I got home...


Emily’s training sessions have consistently enhanced my stability and movement patterns, providing a sense of security when competing at maximum speed and effort. Emily astutely identified areas for immediate improvement in my ball skills and pinpointed those...